Take Time for Reflection


The start of each new year creates a natural pause. We tend to step back to look at where we are and where we want to be. We set new goals, or realize that the goals we set last year didn’t happen so we set them again. If we add a little more thought, we can even get to the question – Is my life going in the right direction. “Right” in this instance means the direction of your choosing. 

When we set goals - choose what we want - we tend to focus on one or two aspects of our lives, such as career goals and exercise routines. These are important. Definitely choose how to move these areas forward. And… what about the other aspects of your life? Are there areas that have been left on autopilot? Consider all the different roles in your life -  as a parent, a daughter or son, a spouse or companion, a friend, a neighbor.  Are you the person you want to be in these roles?  What about the personal aspects of who you are – hobbies, education, personal growth? How are you doing in all the different aspects of your life?  

Just by asking you these questions your wheels are turning.  
Let them turn. 

  •  Get some paper (best done in writing but typing will work) and list out the various aspects of your life including your self-care. 

  • Reflect on how you’re doing in each area. 

  • Identify what you want to do to improve or maintain. 

  • Make a plan and schedule the time to see it through. You can’t do it all tomorrow. You can do something tomorrow, something else next week, etc… You have the rest of your life.  

For a deeper dive into this concept I recommend reading the book 
7 Habbits for Highly Effective People 
by Steven Covey. 

Life keeps moving forward. When we don’t choose our direction it’s as though we took our hands off the wheel. Grab hold. 


Wishing you the best for 2021!

Deanna Beech
The Brier Patch, LLC
Publishing children’s books that help develop skills for a lifetime of happiness.